What is it like to smoke weed while tripping on psychedelics?
Users News investigates the interaction between weed and psychedelics, diving into the scientific research and chatting to peers.
Everyday Superheroes: Peers at Work
“Peer Worker” is an emerging role in the Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) space in NSW. Not only has research shown how valuable peer education and support is, services using peer workers see the difference every day as more consumers come through their doors to have more respectful and relevant interactions.
Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate [G/GHB/GBL/1.4B/Fantasy /Juice]
This can be a deceptive drug. There’s a fine line between a fun time and an overdose. Here are some tips to stay as safe as you can.
DanceWize NSW co-ordinator Georgina Bell, who has seen first-hand the difference that harm reduction services make on the ground at festivals, raves and bush doofs.