Safer Using NUAA Admin Safer Using NUAA Admin

Does drug checking work?

At Yours & Owls festival in Wollongong, you may have noticed a unique service hidden away inside a white tent, a safe space where punters could discuss their drug use history and intentions. This was NSW’s first festival drug checking service. But, as with any new harm reduction service, people naturally raise a number of concerns. Users News is here to provide the answers.

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More than just users NUAA Admin More than just users NUAA Admin

Meth, ADHD and work productivity: How ADHD people who use meth struggle with stigma (Part 2)

We already know so much about what doctors, researchers and policy-makers believe about ice but we rarely read firsthand accounts from people who use amphetamines. We also rarely read articles that go beyond the usual media narratives and binary logic of good/bad, medical/recreational, therapeutic/harmful and soft/hard drugs. Consider this article a correction of that trend.

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More than just users NUAA Admin More than just users NUAA Admin

Meth, ADHD and work productivity: Why do so many ADHD people end up using ice? (Part 1)

Data suggests that a high proportion of people with ADHD use meth. But why is this? Users News chats to ADHD peers who have self-medicated with meth to find out why so many ADHD folks gravitate towards illegal amphetamines and why this behaviour often contradicts the stigmatising stories about meth we see in mainstream media.

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Advocacy NUAA Admin Advocacy NUAA Admin

NSW Premier announces festival testing trial after drug summit

The long-awaited NSW Drug Summit has finally taken place, and NUAA (the organisation that publishes Users News) worked hard to make sure that voices of people with lived and living experience of illicit drug use were represented. While we won’t see the government’s final recommendations until early 2025, on December 19 NSW Premier Chris Minns announced a welcome step in the right direction — drug sample testing at festivals.

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Safer Using NUAA Admin Safer Using NUAA Admin

A quick guide to understanding ‘fake’ ketamine

Ketamine use is at an all time high in Australia but unfortunately not everyone is being sold the real thing. In early November NSW Health released a drug alert about MDMA tablets spiked with a ketamine analogue known as 2F-NENDCK. Ketamine analogues mimic ketamine’s chemical makeup but they can produce different effects including stronger detachment from reality or hallucinations.

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Safer Using NUAA Admin Safer Using NUAA Admin

Steroids and social media drug coaches: the changing face of the average NSP visitor

Steroid use is surging in Australia, and it’s no longer confined to any one particular social group. For those looking into the drugs or just starting out though, it’s hard to know where to source your knowledge and clean equipment. On your behalf, Users News has sifted through the online minefield and chatted to people working in harm reduction. Here’s what we learned.

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Safer Using NUAA Admin Safer Using NUAA Admin

DIY drug testing at Dragon Dreaming: An anonymous field report

Amid the rolling waves of psy trance dugga-dugga-dugga at Dragon Dreaming Festival, an anonymous community member roamed the crowd, testing people’s drugs under the radar. Undertaken with home reagent testing kits, it wasn’t a legal venture. Users News spoke to this harm reduction crusader about why they chose to test punters’ drugs and what they discovered

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Stigma and Discrimination NUAA Admin Stigma and Discrimination NUAA Admin

What alternatives are out there to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous?

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) help a heck of a lot of people. But these group sessions may not be for everyone. New peer support groups, which don’t rely on the AA/NA approach, are beginning to emerge in Australia for people who choose to use drugs. What are they? And who can they help? Users News dives into the alternatives available to you.

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