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Meth, ADHD and work productivity: How ADHD people who use meth struggle with stigma (Part 2)

We already know so much about what doctors, researchers and policy-makers believe about ice but we rarely read firsthand accounts from people who use amphetamines. We also rarely read articles that go beyond the usual media narratives and binary logic of good/bad, medical/recreational, therapeutic/harmful and soft/hard drugs. Consider this article a correction of that trend.

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Meth, ADHD and work productivity: Why do so many ADHD people end up using ice? (Part 1)

Data suggests that a high proportion of people with ADHD use meth. But why is this? Users News chats to ADHD peers who have self-medicated with meth to find out why so many ADHD folks gravitate towards illegal amphetamines and why this behaviour often contradicts the stigmatising stories about meth we see in mainstream media.

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Help Shape Users News!

Users News wants to learn more about our readers and what you want to see us cover, so we’ve put together a short 5-minute survey. All questions are optional, but the more information we get about our readers, the better! The survey is anonymous and confidential. We are giving out 2 x $50 gift vouchers for completing the survey! It’ll only take a few minutes, and your input is super valuable to us. Ready to share your thoughts? Survey closes 5 August 2024 at midnight.

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Підтримка, а не покарання / Support. Don't Punish

This video was produced by Ukrainian drug user organisation VOLNa, for Support Don’t Punish Day 2023. They say: “Every year on June 26, on the day of the Support, Don’t Punish campaign, the All-Ukrainian Association of People with Drug Addiction “VOLNa” throughout Ukraine expresses its protest against the cruel and senseless state policy regarding drugs and people who use drugs. This year is no exception. The war is going on, all the people of Ukraine have united to fight back against the vicious and dangerous enemy - Russia. And when the unification of the people takes place, it is important to remember all the citizens of the country.”

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Tripping over ourselves to get free

“LSD, MDMA, ketamine, ibogaine: for years I tried any potentially therapeutic substance I could get my hands on. I found my way to empty rooms in quiet places and would take these drugs while listening to music, hoping to find a path to peace.” Al talks about his own experiments with psychedelics, shares insights about how psychedelics have given him a tool, but not the answer, for dealing with mental health issues and speculates over whether psychedelics may be useful in increasing the well-being of society as a whole.

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Pandora: Older and wiser

The responsibilities of motherhood changed Pandora’s relationship with drugs. Here she reflects on this and how it has also changed her relationship with herself. “I used to believe that stuff about myself, but I don’t anymore. I know the truth,” she explains. “I know that people who use drugs are people like anyone else and unlike anyone else. We are smart, interesting, creative and uniquely ourselves. We love our families and our friends. We work hard at our jobs. We clean the house and walk the dog. We try to be healthy. We make mistakes. We grow.”

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Kira’s Story: Young, Black & Deadly

Kira is, in her own words, “a young woman who has been through a lot” but, writing from jail, she tells how she’s re-taking control of her life and shares what she has learned. “For me, the secret to change is to focus all your energy not on looking back fighting the old, but on building the new you,” she says. “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you like but take the step! It takes courage and resilience to be who you really are in a society that mostly denies your existence.”

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Letters from Inside

These are 2 of the letters to Users News has received from incarcerated peers. Miranda writes to us about getting cured of hep-C and overcoming past trauma. Bill says “Thank God for Buvidal!” because using in jail can be really stressful.

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People who use drugs, particularly people who use opioids, sometimes experience a great deal of trauma and loss. This trauma and loss is often not taken seriously. We often lack the support we need because the loved ones we lose are criminalised and “brought it on themselves”. The lack of support can be compounded by our own feelings of guilt and blame. We often believe we could have done more to prevent the death.

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