Owning It: When His Way is The Wrong Way
Nerida’s Story — “More importantly, I have come to believe that I have the right and responsibility to keep myself safe and healthy, and make my own decisions. I am owning my own body and veins.”
Keeping safe over Christmas | Sione’s tips
A number of things come up for users at this time of year: organising pharmacotherapy doses and inter-state transfers; wondering if your dealer is going to be working on Christmas Day; sorting out injecting equipment when NSP hours change over Christmas as staff have a well-earned break! ...But for many of us, there is no break from being a user. And the holiday period brings additional health issues for users, particularly overdose prevention and bloodborne virus awareness.
We’ve lost too much mob!
“We’ve lost too much mob!” is the theme of 3 posters about opioid overdose that NUAA has released that have Indigenous communities as their target audience. They are stunning to look at, thanks to artwork by Aboriginal artist Steve Morgan.
Child safety and opioid medication
Kids, especially the younger ones, love to test how random things they discover taste! NUAA has published 2 posters: the first raising awareness on storing meds where children are not likely to find them and the other educating on how to recognise the signs of opioid overdose in kids.
Liza’s story: Wandering Woman's Web
Just because the 'love and universal oneness' vibe is peaking, doesn't mean that everybody has pure intentions. There are still opportunistic dickheads out there.
Kylie’s Story — We Need To Change People’s Perspectives
'For 20 years my life has revolved around that overdose.'
Filtering Pills
This article takes a look at the effectiveness of filtering pills or capsules. These photographs were made using MS Contin and Kapanol mixed in cold water but can equally relate to Oxycontin and other pharmaceutical drugs. A note here: hot water is dangerous because it can appear to dissolve particles but these will reform later when cooled down - in your veins.
20 Tips for Safer Ice Use
Ice, crystal meth, shabu … whatever you call it, these tips will help you remain safe when you use it.
Tourniquet Refresher Course: The Why & the How and the Pitfalls!
Some people who inject drugs don’t have much trouble finding veins, and don’t need to use a tourniquet, while others have always used them as part of their injecting practice. Other people decide to add tournies to their injecting routine as they get older and their veins get harder to find over time. We thought it was timely to do a bit of a review so people could develop or update skills and techniques in using tournies to get the most out of them.
A peer’s guide to the ACT pill testing service – By one of its creators, Chris Gough, Executive Director of CAHMA
ACT’s new pill testing service, called CanTEST Health and Drug Checking Service, has opened, and Users News got the low-down from Chris Gough, who is the Executive Director (ED) of ACT’s Drug User Organisation (DUO), Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation & Advocacy (CAHMA). Chris is one of the peers who has played an important role in getting the service running.
The dirty shot and the bone-eating bacteria
Matthew has a big scar, with an even bigger story. He says it’s the “what not to do” tale that completely changed the way he injects.
The wonderful world of reagent testing
Peer expert Oat gets us started on the basics to introduce a UN-exclusive series of resources and articles on pill testing.
Vaping nicotine – making the switch from smoking tobacco | By Dr Colin Mendelsohn
The step-by-step guide for people who want to start vaping but don’t know how.
Are you ready for SafeScript?
SafeScript is a ‘real-time’ system that allows prescribers and dispensers to access your medication history while you wait. What does this new system mean for you?
Mixing sex and drugs this hot vaxx summer?
We know you’ve been invited to some excellent parties lately!
But do you still remember how to have a good time and stay safe?
From Russia with love
Natasha’s story: Jail, the ‘register’, rehab and life without harm reduction.
Boats, family, opioids and overdose
Sam’s story. Drugs and growing up Vietnamese-Australian in Western Sydney.
Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate [G/GHB/GBL/1.4B/Fantasy /Juice]
This can be a deceptive drug. There’s a fine line between a fun time and an overdose. Here are some tips to stay as safe as you can.