Drug use, disability, neurodivergence and healthcare | Helio’s Story
I first sought out an ADHD diagnosis when I was 23, and the psychiatrist told me, “No, actually you just have the learning capacity of a 16-year-old due to your drug addiction.” Yikes. It took me a couple of years to wrestle with that message – to make sure I rejected it on a deep level – before I tried again with another doctor. And boom, I was right: my ADHD scored off the charts. No wonder amphetamines help my brain feel regulated.
The dirty shot and the bone-eating bacteria
Matthew has a big scar, with an even bigger story. He says it’s the “what not to do” tale that completely changed the way he injects.
Being disrespected by the doctor
Siobhan was stunned into silence by her patronising doctor. While that time she made a strategic decision not to confront him, now she demands health workers show her the respect that she deserves.
Finding a Proper Doctor
Wayne was finding stigma a barrier to even getting health complaints diagnosed, let alone treated. That's why, finding a professional, non-stigmatising doctor was like “a breath of fresh air”.
Finding health workers that put me at ease
Molly talks about how some health workers made her unwilling to be open about recreational drug use. And the slightly unorthodox way some ER workers put her at ease.
Take charge! 10 tips to reduce Cravings
Dr Lachlan McPhail, psychiatrist with the Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network, has expertise in helping people who want to reduce or stop their drug use to manage cravings and triggers. Here’s his top tips.
Advice about treatment, changing your use and other support. Intake Lines for detox services, counseling and OTP.